Monday, November 16, 2015

Board of Trustees Minutes 11/9/2015

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Monday, November 9, 2015

The Monday, November 9, 2015 meeting of the Warsaw Public Library was called to order at 7:10 by President Suzanne Aldinger.  Present were Trustees:  Janice Kelsey, Suzanne Aldinger, Susannah Heubusch, Library Director: Lisa Gricius, Warsaw Town Board Liaison: Shani Jones and guest Travis Jones.  Absent was Trustee Margaret Zeches.  Trustee: Lynda Wick arrived late.

Janice Kelsey made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from Tuesday, October 13, 2015 noting that the vouchers from that date be amended to read: " Vouchers #177-#194 was $4584.20 on 10/13; should have been $4539.20 due to $45.00 of the $80.00 invoice on voucher #183 to Ash-Lin's was paid for via the library charge card and is being audited and approved on this month's vouchers.  Voucher #183 is now $35.00, not $80.00".  Motion was seconded by Susannah Heubusch.
            Ayes:  3                        Noes:  0           Absent:  2 Margaret Zeches, Lynda Wick                 Motion carried

             Discussed the 9/22 email from Lauren Moore of PLS with regard to internet access equipment. PLS is purchasing new Meraki wireless access points (router type equipment) for all system libraries in system with 5 year maintenance and support licenses. They will install later this year at no cost to library until 2021. This system does not require patron login and ensure easy access to the internet.

Finance/Budget Report:
Warrants paid:
A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and seconded by Lynda Wick to approve the audited vouchers #195-212 for $5631.11.

Susannah Heubusch made a motion to approve the 2016 Budget Resolution #15-01.  Motion was seconded by Janice Kelsey.
            Ayes: 4             Noes:  0           Absent:  1 Margaret Zeches   Motion carried

Old Business:
The painting of the Library will start on 11/10/2015.  The painters will be working around the patrons with portions of the Library closed off.   At this time we have not heard from the Conable Foundation about our request for additional funding.  The next meeting of the Conable Foundation will be on
November 17, 2015.

Directors Report and Children's Services Report (see attached)
Reviewed and discussed meetings attended by Director including Wyoming Foundation/Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo Needs Forum, Transition Resource Fair and Wyoming County Library’s Convening for clarification.

Re-hired Luke Conley as a relief clerk due to Joan Roquez being out of work for several months.  Also hired Halle Cook as a page.  As all personnel actions must be approved by the Board at a legal meeting (director selects, board appoints) appointments will be confirmed at the December 2015 meeting.
New Business:

Reviewed and approved the suggested changes in the General Rules.  Review of Policies and an update on an Emergency Plan will be done at a later date.

Lisa Gricius will be preparing the orientation packets for the incoming Trustees.

Library Director Lisa Gricius wrote a letter supporting the Pioneer Library System application Rochester Regional Library Council's "Mystery Shopper" grant.

A motion was made by Suzanne Aldinger and seconded by Susannah Heubusch that the review of "Executive Session Re:  Director's Annual Performance Evaluation" be reviewed at the December meeting when all the Trustees will be present
            Ayes:  4                        Noes:  0           Absent:  1 Margaret Zeches   Motion carried

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 8 at 7:00 pm.

Susannah Heubusch made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch