Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
September 11, 2012
The meeting of the Warsaw Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 by
President Suzanne Aldinger. Present were Trustees: Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, David Almeter, Janice Kelsey,
Mary Reagan, Susannah Heubusch; Library Director: Lisa Gricius, Library Assistant: Joanne Caldwell and Town
Representative: Tracy Hockey.
Old Business
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to waive the reading of the Thursday, August 9
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion approved
It was suggested that the Personnel Policy be changed to indicate that pay raises would be given on an employee's
anniversary date instead of the beginning of the fiscal year and that an employee's evaluation would be done shortly
before their anniversary date. Lisa Gricius will present the verbiage to the board for consideration at the next meeting.
Susannah Heubusch made a motion that credit card be obtained with a maximum of $1000.00 for the purchase of the
library supplies where a voucher is not accepted. Margaret Zeches 2nd.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion: approved.
Purchase policy will be amended to include the credit card for $1000.00 max and to change the wording from per item
to per month. A vote will be taken at the next meeting.
Bob Wicksall, Systems Administrator at Pioneer, said that there would be no problem with the Library being Wii Fi.
Joann Caldwell would like to make sure that by going Wii Fi that security will not be compromised by the change.
Suzanne Aldinger has contacted Todd MacConnell about conducting an assessment of the changes that may needed
prior to any changes being made, but he has not returned her call.
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch to approve vouchers #131 through #144 in the
amount of $4910.72.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion approved
Directors Report (see attached)
New Library Director, Lisa Gricius, gave a report. She stated that her first week had gone well and that the Library had a
great staff. She has called a staff meeting for Wednesday and asked that the staff bring any ideas/changes they would
like to see as we move forward.
As Lisa needs a letter for 5 Star Bank indicating that she is the new director it was suggested that a signed copy of the
Resolution 2012-03, August 9, 2012 should suffice.
There is a seminar in Canandaigua on Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Law on Thurs., September 20, that
the Trustees might like to attend. Registration is necessary and may be done on line or by phone.
Children's Services Report (see attached)
New Business
Keith Standara replaced ballasts on the lights and suggested that new grids be installed. Director will get an estimate.
No action was taken at this time.
There was a discussion about charging out-of-county patrons a fee for library cards. Other Libraries in the Pioneer
Library System have adopted this policy. As the board could not reach a consensus Lisa will check with Cassie about the
general policy regarding the matter.
As the contract for cleaning and maintenance has not been renewed for ten years it should be reviewed and made
current. The contract was made in 2002 between the Town of Warsaw and the contractor. As there were several
questions regarding the contract it was decided to table any further discussion until we had a chance to talk with the
Town Board.
Health Insurance for the Library Director was discussed. She stated that she was going with Cobra. We are allowing her
$5000.00 per year for Health Ins. The board approved $416.67 ($5000 divided by 12) be added to her pay per month
towards the cost of the policy. Lisa will contact Baldwin's office to find out how that should be handled.
Margaret Zeches made a motion to enter Executive Session at 8:30 pm for the purpose of discussing the compensation
of a particular employee. 2nd by David Almeter.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch to exit Executive Session at 9:05 pm, 2nd by Mary Reagan.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch that the Board of Trustees has agreed to
compensate Joanne Caldwell, Library Assistant, $1.500.00 for 79 additional hours of employment not included in the
original agreement of 8 additional hours per week at a rate of $300.00 per week as Acting Library Director. The duties of
the position required more hours than anticipated. This agreement was accepted by Joanne Caldwell.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion approved
It was also decided to have a "meet and greet" for our new Library Director on Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 5:00 pm
to 7:00 pm at the Library.
A motion was made by Mary Reagan to adjourn the meeting. 2nd David Almeter
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch