Thursday, September 6, 2012

Warsaw Public Library 130 N. Main St. Warsaw, NY 14569 Board of Trustees Meeting AGENDA Tuesday, September 11, 2012 7:00 pm

Warsaw Public Library
130 N. Main St.
Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
7:00 pm
Open Meeting

Waive reading of minutes from Thursday August 9, 2012, motion to approve.
Ayes:                Noes:               Absent:
Defeated:                                  Approved:

Old Business

  1. Amendment to the Personnel Policy
  2. Charge Card for Library use
  3. WiFi Security—Following up with Bob Wicksall, Systems Administrator at Pioneer
  4. Compensation for Joanne’s extra hours while Interim Director
  5. Purchasing Policy Vote (previously tabled)
  6. Audit and Approve abstract of audited vouchers #131- #______ Total Amount:_________
Ayes:                Noes:               Absent:
Defeated:                                  Approved:

 Directors Report 

Children’s Services Report

New Business

  1. New Grids for overhead lights
  2. Charging out-of-county patrons a fee for services (Ex. $20.00 for library card being charged at Attica, Arcade, and Geneva have adopted this policy.
  3. Discuss use of Maintenance and Cleaning Contract
  4. Discuss Library Director I Health Insurance Choice of plan and payment of same



Ayes:                            Noes:                           Absent: