Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Special Session
January 23th, 2012
7:00 pm
Present: Mary Reagan, Pres.; Janice Kelsey; Margaret Zeches; David Almeter; Sue Heubusch; Suzanne
Aldinger, Joanne Caldwell, Acting Library Dir., Tracy Hockey, T/Warsaw Rep
Call to Order: by Pres. Mary Reagan at 6:58pm
The reading of the Special Session minutes from Tues., January 10th, 2012 was waived and a motion to approve the
minutes made.
Motion: Margaret Zeches 2nd: Sue Heubusch Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0
The purpose of this special meeting was to continue the job search process and strategy for a Library Director or
1. Several Wyoming County Civil Service “Change of Employment” forms (#426) were reviewed as follows:
a. Library Director resignation (letter of resignation w/original signature from Angela Gonzalez was placed in her
personnel file) copy attached to form #426.
b. Out of title pay for Joanne Caldwell as Acting Library Director.
c. Revised/updated changes for Library Pages.
At the suggestion of Wyoming County Civil Service the Board authorized Joanne Caldwell, Acting Director to complete/
sign all forms necessary and submit to the Civil Service office.
2. Hiring a new Library Director I process:
Reviewed the Class Specs for Civil Service positions of Library Director I (current job description) and Library
Manager. The Board discussed whether or not we need a change of direction, a different type of leadership, or a
different set of skills, education or experience. It was decided that Library Director I position will be sought. Wyo. Co.
Civil Service does not currently have a list for this position therefore, as the position is competitive, it will be filled
provisionally until a test is scheduled by the state. The Board also discussed salary, benefits, and other pertinent
information in forming a well written candidate profile. The Board will review the recent Long-Range Plan Summary to
assist in what type of director is needed to lead the library in the direction it needs to grow and provide the community
needs of this plan. Develop division of responsibility as to the relationship between the director and board. The Board
will continue to develop a full job posting, further hiring strategies and recruitment tools such as a search committee,
advertising etc. at our next meeting.
Next Meeting will be: Mon., February 13th, 2012 at 7:00pm
**February 13th meeting will be the Annual Meeting with election of Officers for 2012
Adjournment: 8:30 pm Motion: Sue Heubusch 2nd: Dave Almeter Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0
Minutes were prepared by: Suzanne Aldinger, Trustee