Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Friday, January 06, 2012  7:00PM
Present: Mary Reagan, Pres.; Janice Kelsey; Margaret Zeches; David Almeter; Sue Heubusch; Suzanne Aldinger
1.      Discuss recent changes in operational hours of library. Vote to pass Resolution No. 2012-01 (attached)
Call to order:  7:02PM
The discussion was opened by Mary Reagan who quoted from the August 9th, 2011 minutes of the Board meeting as follows:
Old business: #2. 2012 Budget – Motion to accept Version #6, (add line regarding estimated cost to replace the  front desk)  MZ/SA, Vote – 5 ayes, 1 absent
While it was agreed by all that there was to be a 3 hour reduction of operational hours, many of the members assumed that the new schedule would be presented to the full board for review.  As version #6 of the 2012 budget was not included in the recorded minutes stating anything other than the above, the lack of communication by the Director with the full board created this discussion.  We also concluded that while timely notification may have been given to regular patrons, the community as a whole was not notified properly through the local media (ex: radio, print publications, etc.)  David Almeter and Sue Heubusch expressed a concern that after a negative advertisement appeared in the Warsaw Penny Saver prior to the their election in Nov. 2011 inferring that they (by name) may be contemplating closing the library, this reduction in hours may be interpreted as a first step. As the library will be undergoing aggressive reorganization of staff shortly (due to a resignation), the majority agreed to maintain the original hours of operation and remain open until 8:00pm on Thursdays for the convenience and the quality of services for the entire community. Mary Reagan objected to the language of the Res. feeling that it should be more flexible. However, as our budget is a flexible document and not a rigid rulebook,  plans and situations will change during the fiscal year and the full board has the authority and responsibility to consider new situations through this process.
David Almeter made a motion to pass Res. No. 2012-01 as written and the motion was carried.

This emergency meeting was called in accordance the By Laws of the WPL by three Trustees: Almeter, Aldinger, and Zeches and held at the Warsaw Town Office.
Public Notice was given in accordance with the NYS Open Meetings Law. Adjourned:  7:52pm Motion by: Zeches    2nd: Aldinger                Minutes were prepared by: S. Aldinger, Trustee

January 6, 2011
Minimum Hours of Operation for Warsaw Public Library Established
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Resolution is to clarify the minimum operational hours of the Warsaw Public Library; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Warsaw Public Library, 130 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY does hereby establish minimum hours of operation at said library as follows:
Monday – 10:00am to 8:00pm
Tuesday – 10:00am to 8:00pm
Wednesday – 1:00pm to 8:00pm
Thursday – 1:00pm to 8:00pm
Friday – 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Saturday – 1:00pm to 5:00pm (closed July and August)
This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Carried:            Ayes:            5                      Noes:            0                      Abstain: 1, Mary Reagan