Warsaw Public Library
130 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Special Session
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 7:00pm
Present: Mary Reagan, Pres.; Janice Kelsey, Suzanne Aldinger, Sue Heubusch, David Almeter, Tracey Hockey, Town
of Warsaw Representative, Guest: Cassie Gutherie, Exec. Dir. , PLS
Absent: Margaret Zeches
New business:
The purpose of this special session to discuss a job search to replace outgoing Library Director, Angela Gonzalez. A
letter of resignation dated January 2, 2012 was received by the Board via email stating that her last day would be
January 27, 2012, however, as she has unused vacation her last day will be Thurs., January 12, 2012. The letter was
presented to the Board but was unsigned. The Board requested that the letter be signed before it can be accepted.
Mary will see that the signature is provided and the original signature copy is placed in the Angela’s personnel folder.
Cassie Gutherie, Exec. Director of the Pioneer Library System attended to provide the Board with a brief guide to
conducting a Library Director Search. She reviewed the following suggestions to begin the process:
1. Determine the library’s future needs and develop a profile of your ideal candidate
2. Plan a hiring strategy, taking into account civil service requirements, and recruit job applicants
3. Screen applicants
4. Assess applicants
5. Hire a director
6. Establish mutual expectations
7. Celebrate
Cassie provided a handout briefly covering these steps and sample advertisements for the position. As we are a
municipal library we do have to work with Wyo. Co. Civil Service to determine their requirements.
Mary has contacted Wyoming County Civil Service and provided the information she received. Discussed a change in
title and other scenarios that could possibly be considered.
The Board decided to temporarily promote Joanne Caldwell, Library Assistant, to Acting Director effective Friday,
January 13, 2012 with an increase of 8 hours p/wk. (total 27 hours p/wk.) and provide out of title pay of $300. P/wk. as
her responsibilities are greatly expanded. Mary will contact Wyoming County Civil Service regarding this action. Sue
Heubusch will contact Baldwin Assoc. on how to proceed with payroll. Motion by: Dave Almeter 2nd by: Sue
Ayes: 5 Noes: 0 Absent: 1, Margaret Zeches
Authorized payment of January 2012 vouchers #1-18 totaling $4,791.07.
Motion by: Janice Kelsey 2nd by: Mary Reagan
Ayes: 5 Noes: 0 Absent: 1, Margaret Zeches
Adjourned at 9:06pm Motion by: Suzanne Aldinger 2nd by: Mary Reagan
Ayes: 5 Noes: 0 Absent: 1, Margaret Zeches
The next scheduled meeting will be Monday, January 23, 2012 at 7:00pm.
Recorded by: Suzanne Aldinger, Trustee