Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday March 9, 2015
The Tuesday, March 9, 2015
Board of Trustees meeting was called to order by President Suzanne Aldinger at
7:05 pm. Present were board members:
Suzanne Aldinger, Janice Kelsey, David Almeter, Margaret Zeches, Susannah
Heubusch, Library Director: Lisa Gricius and Town Board Liaison: Shani Jones.
Margaret Zeches made a
motion seconded by David Almeter to waive the reading of the Tuesday, February
10, 2015 minutes.
Ayes: 5 Noes:
0 Motion carried
Margaret Zeches made a
motion seconded by David Almeter to accept the audited vouchers #32 - #54 for
Ayes: 5 Noes:
0 Motion carried
Old Business:
Paul Royce will be doing
some work on the electrical system that will take several hours. The board approved Library Director Lisa
Gricius's decision to close the Library on a Saturday to facilitate the
Library Director Lisa
Gricius will draft a letter to the Warsaw Village Board asking for help with
the yard maintenance. Should the Village
be unable to help a motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and Seconded by
Margaret Zeches to accept Christie's Lawn Care proposal for 2015. Copy of proposal on file.
Ayes: 5 Noes:
0 Motion carried
As the trees around the
entrance to the Library are becoming overgrown permission was given to the
Library Director to call Eastman' Tree Service to have them trimmed.
Directors Report & Children's Services Report (see attached)
New Business:
A request to the Warsaw
Central School District of a Levy from $33539.30 to $36893.00 was
proposed. A motion to override the Tax
Cap was made by Susannah Heubusch and seconded by Suzanne Aldinger.
Ayes: 5 Noes:
0 Motion carried
A motion was made by
Susannah Heubusch and seconded by David Almeter to accept the PLS DLD 2014
Annual Report.
Ayes: 5 Noes:
0 Motion carried
As there were several
questions on the Financial Report, Suzanne Aldinger will ask the accountant,
Mr. Baldwin, if he will come in and explain how he has the budget set up.
Margaret Zeches announced
that the Country Courier is planning an essay contest open to all.
David Almeter reported
that the Friends of the Library had a new Treasurer: Lorraine Hyjek. The Friends will also be hosting a pulled
pork supper on August 6, 2015. Tickets
pre-sale only.
The next meeting will be
on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Library.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20