Thursday, August 2, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting July 30, 2012

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Special Meeting
July 30, 2012

On Monday July 30, 2012 a special meeting of the Warsaw Library Board of Trustees was called for the purpose of interviewing potential candidates for the position of Director 1.

Present were:  Trustees Mary Reagan, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches, Suzanne Aldinger, David Almeter and Susannah Heubsch and acting Director Joanne Caldwell.

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by president Suzanne Aldinger.  Two interviews had originally been scheduled for the evening, but one candidate called to say that he had accepted another position.

At 6:05 pm a motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Margaret Zeches that we enter executive session for the purpose of interviewing a candidate for the position of Director 1.
            Ayes:  6           Noes:  0                       Motion:  carried

At 7:00 pm a motion was made by Mary Reagan and 2nd by Margaret Zeches that we leave executive session.
            Ayes:  6           Noes:  0                       Motion : carried

No action taken.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:01 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch