Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Board of Trustee Minutes 2/9/2016

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Tuesday, February 9, 2016 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Suzanne Aldinger.   Present were Trustees:  Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Susannah Heubusch, Lynda Wick, Travis Jones, Library Director:  Lisa Gricius and Warsaw Town Board Liaison: Shani Jones.

Susannah Heubusch made a motion to waive the reading of the Tuesday, 12/8/2015 & the Thursday 1/14/2016 minutes.  Motion was seconded by Travis Jones.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

Correspondence:  Received a Thank You from ARC

A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and seconded by Susannah Heubusch to accept audited vouchers #13-#32 in the amount of $7758.16.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches and Lynda Wick were appointed as a committee to review the Personnel Policy.  They will meet on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm.

Old Business:
It had been suggested that the by-laws be amended to change the time for the monthly Board of Trustees meetings from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and seconded by Lynda Wick that the meeting hours be changed as suggested.  The amendment will be voted on at the March meeting.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

Directors Report and Children's Services Report:  see attached

New Business:
Election of Officers for 2016. 
Slate of Officers for nomination:
                President:  Suzanne Aldinger  There were no further nominations for President the secretary cast one ballot for Suzanne Aldinger as President.
                Vice President:  Margaret Zeches.   Margaret Zeches declined and Travis Jones was nominated.  There were no further nominations for Vice President the secretary cast one ballot for Travis Jones as Vice President.
                Secretary:  Susannah Heubusch.    There were no further nominations for Secretary the secretary cast one ballot for Susannah Heubusch as Secretary.
                Friends Liaison:  Lynda Wick (appointment)   As Library Staff member Mary Conable was already representing the Library at the Friends meeting it was felt that is was unnecessary for the Board of Trustees to also have a liaison. 

The Wyoming County Historians Office has offered the Library their old Microfilm Machine.  A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and seconded by Susannah Heubusch to decline the offer.
                Ayes:  5 Noes:  0                Motion  carried

The next Board of Trustees meeting will be on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the new time of 6:00 pm.
Susannah Heubusch made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Board of Trustees Agenda 2/9/2016

Warsaw Public Library
130 N. Main St. Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Open Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM

Open Meeting
Call to order and roll call
Approve/Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, 12/8/2015 & 1/14/2016 motion to approve.                            (Minutes Attached)


Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             

Defeated:                                Carried:


1.      Audit and Approve abstract of audited vouchers # 13-_____

          Total Amount: $ ___________ (abstract of bills to be paid attached)

          Motion:                                                       2nd:

 Ayes:              Noes:               Absent:

 Defeated:                               Carried:


1.      Appoint committee to review Personnel Policy

Old Business
Change of time for Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustee Meetings to 6:00 p.m. monthly

Directors Report & Children’s Services Report (Enclosed in Packet)

New Business
  Election of Officers for the year 2016.  Slate of Officers for nomination:

President:  Suzanne Aldinger

Vice President:  Margaret Zeches

Secretary: Susannah Heubusch

Friends Liaison: Lynda Wick

Decision to Accept or decline gift of Microfilm Machine from Wyoming County Historian’s Office.


Ayes:                     Noes:               Absent:                                                 

Defeated:                          Carried:

Motion to adjourn