Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Board of Trustees Open Meeting Minutes, 4/14/2015

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Suzanne Aldinger.  Present were Trustees:  Suzanne Aldinger, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches, David Almeter, Susannah Heubusch, Library Director: Lisa Gricius and Town Board Liaison: Shani Jones.

A motion was made by David Almeter and seconded by Janice Kelsey to waive the reading of the March 10, 2015 minutes.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

Susannah Heubusch made a motion seconded by Margaret Zeches to accept the audited vouchers #55-#74 for $6805.85.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

Directors Report & Children's Services Report (See Attached)

Old Business:
Library Director Lisa Gricius said that she had received the budget funds from the Town of Warsaw.  However the amount $152,519.00 was $5324.00 short of the levy of $157,843.00 that the Town Board had approved on November 10, 2014.  Lisa will contact the Town supervisor Becky Ryan about the discrepancy.

The Library will be closed on April 25th while some electrical updating is done.

The total cost of having the trees trimmed was $1325.00.  The Library will pay half $662.50 and the Friends of the Library will cover the balance.

Over The Top Roofing has looked at the roof and gutters and they are in good shape.

Margaret Zeches made a motion seconded by David Almeter to approve the quote from Americote for painting the Library interior using the $4000.00 gift from the Conable Foundation.
                Ayes:  5                 Noes:  0                Motion carried

New Business:

Country Line electric was in and stated that it would cost $91.33 to change the standard ceiling bulbs and $2692 for the large lights.

The Library Director is having NYSEG come in and do an energy audit and to see if they have any programs that might help us with updating the lighting system.

The Wyoming Foundation has asked if they could use the Library for a program to honor donors to the Foundation on July 16.  As there are several other activities that same Day we need to get a little more information on what they expect the Library to provide before we can say yes or no.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be on Tuesday, May 12, 2015.
Margaret Zeches made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Agenda: Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting April 14, 2015 7:00 PM

Warsaw Public Library
130 N. Main St. Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Open Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Open Meeting
Waive reading of minutes from March 10, 2015 motion to approve.
Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:

Defeated:                                Approved:

Old Business

1.      Audit and Approve abstract of audited vouchers # 55-

Total Amount: $

Directors Report & Children’s Services Report (Enclosed in Packet)

New Business

Minutes of the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting March 30, 2015 6:00PM

MARCH 30, 2015 
PRESENT: Trustees David Almeter, Susanne Aldinger, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches and Library Director: Lisa Gricius
Meeting called to order by S. Aldinger, Pres. at 6:40 P.M.
The board inspected uncirculated books on the upper level. There are 556 titles that can be declared surplus. There are several shelves that are not needed also.
Motion made to declare the 556 books as surplus and be made available for sale. Please see attached list for titles.
Motion made by Janice Kelsey Seconded by Sue Aldinger
yes :4 no: 0 motion carried
Motion made to dispose of shelves, inventory numbers 331,332,339,340, & 342
Motion made by David Almeter Seconded by Janice Kelsey
Yes: 4 no: 0 motion carried
The first edition book, The Underground Railroad by Siebert will be donated to the Warsaw Historical Society.
Motion made by Margaret Zeches Seconded by David Almeter
Yes: 4 no: 0 Motion carried
Motion made to accept offer of $1800.00 from Silver Springs Antiques for the surplus books.
Motion made by Janice kelsey Seconded by Sue Aldinger
Yes: 4 no: 0 Motion carried
The board discussed the shelves, it was decided not to accept less than $75.00 dollars for them.
Submitted by, 
Margaret Zeches