Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Tuesday, October 9, 2012 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Suzanne Aldinger at 7:05 pm. Present were: trustees - Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, David Almeter, Janice Kelsey, Mary Reagan, Susannah Heubusch and Library Director Lisa Gricius.
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to waive the reading of the September 11, 2012 minutes.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried

Old Business
Personnel Policy:
Compensation: An amendment to the Personnel Policy was suggested to read that "salaries are subject to employee evaluations, which generally commence in January according to budget restraints. To be eligible for a January raise an employee must have been hired by July 1." Anyone hired in 2012 will be grandfathered under the previous ruling. New policy will go into effect as of January 2013.
Director Evaluation: Amendment suggested "Director performance review will be completed by the full board of trustees on a yearly basis, by December 1."

Lisa Gricius will format the wording and vote will be taken at next meeting.

Purchase Policy: Susannah Heubusch made a motion to approve the signing of an application/contract with Five Star Bank by Library Director Lisa Gricius for a credit card valued at $1000.00 for use in purchasing supplies for the Library where a voucher is not accepted. 2nd by David Almeter.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried

Purchases amount per item was changed to purchase amounts per month. Where ever the term Executive Director appeared would be changed to read Library Director. A motion was made by Susannah Heubush to accept the purchase policy with these changes. 2nd by Margaret Zeches.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried

We are still waiting for an estimate on the overhead light grids.
Library Director health insurance: at present Director will pay and a voucher presented for re-imbursement. The board agreed with this arrangement.

Maintenance and Cleaning contract still on hold as more information is needed. So far the Town has not responded to our request to check into their records. Suzanne Aldinger will check the Town records. Suzanne Aldinger and Susannah Heubusch will also look into the Library records.

A new Toshiba copier will be leased that will automatically feed several pages and print on both sides of a page. It is hoped this will free up the copier and save on paper. The lease is for five (5) years with a monthly fee increase of $20.00. The service contract remains the same.

Charging out of System Patrons for Library cards was tabled for now as at this time we only have a few that are not in our system.
Lisa Gricius did an update on the Bylaws (changing the number of trustees from six (6) to five (5) and sent a copy to Pioneer as well as the state.
A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to approve payment of vouchers #145 thru #158 for $2395.34.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
Directors Report: see attached
Children's Services Report: see attached

New Business

 Circulation desk options were discussed. Yvonne Dare is doing a schematic and estimate. Another option was a less expensive custom made desk and an on line estimate was brought in. Desk was tabled for now until more information is available.
There was a discussion on cases and de-coupler for movie DVD security cases. Change over costs would run about $2000.00. Idea was tabled for now.

Open meetings were discussed with putting a binder in the Library for public use containing all proceedings and minutes of the Board; as well as posting meetings on outdoor sign in front of the building as well as a posting within the building. Other ideas were the free advertising for "community events" in the Penny saver and Warsaw Country Courier and our on-line Blog.

Tabled for the time being was an idea for compiling current and previous minutes of meetings into binders and put in reference section of Library.

Tabled until the next meeting was a discussion on the long range plans for the Library.


For the "Meet and Greet" on Thursday, October 11 the board members will provide cookies, coffee and punch.

A motion was made by Mary Reagan to adjourn the meeting and 2nd by Margaret Zeches.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Board of Trustees Open Meeting Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:00 pm

Warsaw Public Library
130 N. Main St. Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Open Meeting -Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM


Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday September 11, 2012, motion to approve.
Ayes:                Noes:               Absent:
Defeated:                                  Approved:

Old Business

  1. Amendment to the Personnel Policy
  2. Charge Card for Library use/ Revised Purchasing Policy Vote
  3. Awaiting new grids for overhead lights estimate
  4. Library Director I health insurance choice of plan and payment. At the present time, Director will pay and voucher for re-imbursement.
  5. Discuss use of Maintenance and Cleaning Contract
  6. Charging out of System Patron cards update
  7. ByLaw Revision update
  8. Audit and Approve abstract of audited vouchers #145- #______
Total Amount:_________
Ayes:                Noes:               Absent:
Defeated:                                 Approved:

 Directors Report  (Enclosed in packet)

Children’s Services Report  (Enclosed in packet)

New Business

  1. Discussion of Circulation Desk Options
  2. Discussion of Clear-Vu One-Time™ Single DVD Security Cases and Decoupler Key for One-Time™ Security Cases
  3. Discuss Open Meeting Changes
Ideas for free advertising/ postings include: in library posting ,outdoor front sign, Pennysaver community events, Warsaw Country Courier on line community events and in print, and Blog
4.      Discuss possibility of compilation of board meetings into binders. How many         years worth and shelve in reference section on bottom shelf?
5.      Discuss long range plan





Ayes:                Noes:               Absent: