Monday, December 24, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting 12/11/2012

Warsaw Public Library

Board of Trustees

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The December 11, 2012 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by president Suzanne Aldinger. Present were: trustees - Suzanne Aldinger, Mary Reagan, David Almeter, Susannah Heubusch, Margaret Zeches, Janice Kelsey, Library director - Lisa Gricius and Town Board liaison - James Foley.

A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Mary Reagan to waive the reading of the Tuesday, November 13, 2012 meeting.

Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 motion carried

Old Business:

1) Mr. Standera is still interested in doing the estimate for the light grids. He will obtain measurements and move forward with the project. As a member of the Town Board was present the question was raised as to who was responsible for any repairs on the building. Mr. Foley seemed to think that because the Town owned the building the Town would be responsible for any structural repairs, however, general maintenance would be the responsibility of the Library.

2) A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and 2nd by Margaret Zeches to accept the 2013 Library budget adopted by the town with revised 2013 figures.

Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 motion carried

3) Funds from the Bullet Aid Technology Grant have been used to purchase 3 new staff computers and 1 for on line catalogue. The purchase includes the computers, monitors, software and labor. As the cost is under the $4000.00 purchase limit the director approved the purchase.

4) Two more names were suggested to contact for construction estimates for a circulation desk. Lisa Gricius will contact Jeff Carle and Randy Almeter to see if they would be interested in submitting a bid. All bids are to be in by February 12, 2013 board meeting.

5) Fixed Asset Policy was tabled until the February 12, 2013 meeting.

6) A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and 2nd by Margaret Zeches to approve vouchers #174 - #190 for $3812.54.

Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 motion carried

Directors Report ( see attached)

Childrens Services Report ( see attached)

New Business:

1) Revisions to the 2013 Library Budget approved ( see above)

2) As the Library did not have a formal Complaint Policy or Patron Complaint Form, Library Director Lisa Gricius drew up the forms and presented them to the board. A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to accept the forms as presented

Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 motion carried

3) Employee evaluation sheets were drawn up by Library Director Lisa Gricius and presented to the board. Members are to look over the forms and a vote will be made at the next meeting.

4) The library has a card catalogue that it is no longer in use. It was decided to put it out for bid with a minimum bid of $150. Lisa Gricius will get the ads in place.

5) A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch to approve the following Resolution:


December 11, 2012


BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees of the Warsaw Public Library, 130 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY does hereby authorize the Library Director to make payment in advance of audit of claims for certain claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges and credit card payments which may result in a finance charge, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that all such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees meeting for audit in accordance with Article 8, Sec. 118 of the Laws of New York State. This resolution shall take place immediately.

Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Asent: 0 motion carried.

On behalf of the Board David Almeter and Margaret Zeches thanked Mary Reagan for her years of service on the board. The December meeting was Mary's last as a board member. However she will be keeping active with the library as she has contacted Carolyn Lyons about starting a Friends of the Library.

The next Library board meeting will be Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm.

Motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and 2nd by Margaret Zeches to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch