Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Warsaw Library Board of Trustees Meeting July 10, 2012

Warsaw Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 10, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Suzanne Aldinger. Present were Trustees: Suzanne Aldinger, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches, David Almeter, Mary Reagan, and Susannah Heubusch, Acting Director: Joanne Caldwell and Town Representative: Tracy Hockey.
David Almeter made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes for the June meeting. This was seconded by Margaret Zeches.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
Old Business:
Acting director Joanne Caldwell presented the Interim Directors Report (See Report)
Directors Report
Children’s Services Report
Baldwin Services Report
Financial Report
Circulation Report
Library Use
The Long Range Plan was reviewed by the Board in November 2011 as presented by the director. At the time the Board was not aware that it should be finalized and approved. It was suggested that the board should vote to postpone the completion of the Long Range Plan. At this point only the summary needs finalization. A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch to table approval of the Five Year Plan until we have a new director.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch that vouchers #106 - #116 for $2313.62 be approved.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
A new clerk, Joan Roquez, has been hired. She will start on Wednesday, July 11. Her hours are very flexible.
Plans for the book sale are moving along. The tents are up and the books are out on the tables. Tim VanSlyke will be setting up an additional tent and table as so many books were donated.
Schedule for the sale is:
Tuesday, July 10 10:00 am till ?? Mary Reagan & Beth Reagan
Wednesday, July 11 5:00 pm. Cindy, Mary, Margaret, and Sue H.
Thursday, July 12 9 am – 5 pm Sale Starts
Alan Smith 9 – 12
Maureen Felix 9 – 12
Norm Sayford 12 – 2
Mary Reagan 12-2
Dave Almeter 2-5
Margaret Zeches 2-5
Friday, July 13
Susannah Heubusch 9-5
Suzanne Aldinger 9-5
Cindy Keil 2-5
The Geneseo Goodwill will take any books that have not sold. We will also check with the local VOA.
The computers went down at 10:30 Monday morning the July 9. Repairs were made and Bob Wicksall gave a list of equipment that should be replaced.
New Business:
The personnel committee: David Almeter, Tracy Hockey, Joanne Caldwell and Suzanne Aldinger will meet on Friday, July 20, 2012 at 11:30 am to review the applications for Director.
A proposal was made to change the number of seats on the Board from six to five. Motion was made by Mary Reagan and 2nd by David Almeter.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion carried
The vote on the change to the by-laws cannot be made until the next meeting.
Valerie Helm has tendered her resignation effective July 20, 2012. She is willing to fill in now and then on an emergency basis.
The 2013 budget was discussed. As this is a duty of the Director and a new Director has not been appointed yet it will be up to the Board to complete the process. Suzanne and Joanne will check to see what is on file from previous years and find out the date that the final budget is to be submitted to the Warsaw Town Board.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch, Secretary