Thursday, May 31, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Board of Trustees
Special Meeting
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
On May 29, 2012 a special meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by president Suzanne Aldinger. Present were trustees Mary Reagan, Janice Kelsey, Susannah Heubusch, Dave Almeter, Suzanne Aldinger and acting Librarian Joanne Caldwell.
A motion was made by David Almeter to enter Executive session to discuss procedures for hiring Library 1 Director. Motion was seconded by Margaret Zeches.
Executive session was entered into at 6:55 pm.
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches to exit Executive session and 2nd by Janice Kelsey. Left executive session at 7:45 pm.
No action was taken.
A motion was made by Margaret Zeches and 2nd by David Almeter that the Warsaw Public Library board approves the change in the Job Description of the position of Library Director 1 and request that the Wyoming County Civil Service Commission approve the change in required experience from 1 year of professional library experience to 0-2 years professional library experience, and that all other requirements remain as submitted per attached Job Description in accordance with Civil Service Law (Sec. 22 and the Rules of Wyoming County Civil Service.
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Motion Carried
A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Margaret Zeches that the Job Opportunity for a Library Director 1 be reposted following the Civil Service update to the job description.
Ayes: 5 Noes: 1 Suzanne Aldinger Motion: Carried
Motion was made by Mary Reagan to adjourn the meeting second by Margaret Zeches.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch, Secretary

Monday, May 14, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Suzanne Aldinger
Present were Trustees: Suzanne Aldinger, Janice Kelsey, David Almeter, Mary Reagan, Susannah Heubusch, Joann Caldwell (acting library director), and Tracy Hockey (Town representative). Absent was trustee Margaret Zeches.
A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to waive the reading of the minutes from the last meeting.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion carried
Joanne handed out an information packet containing the meeting agenda, Interim Directors Report, Children's Services Report, Library Director 1 Timeline, Resolution No. 2012-02, draft of letter to Lydia Herren offering her the position of Library Director 1, reference letter from Boston Free Library in regards to Ms. Herron. estimate for back door from Dan Moran in Nunda, Budget Report, monthly statement of Supervisor Town of Warsaw, monthly new users per town libraries.
Suzanne Aldinger will send out the letter offering Lydia Heron the position of Library Director 1.
A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Susannah Heubusch that the date for reply change from May 28, 2012 to May 18, 2012 and if she accepts the board would like her to start work by Monday, June 4, 2012.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion Carried
A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Janice Kelsey that Resolution No. 2012-02 be accepted upon acceptance of offer.
May 8, 2012
L. Herren Appointed Library Director 1
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees hereby appoints Lydia F. Herren, 11004 Moore Road, Springville, New York 14141, to the position of Library Director 1 in the Warsaw Public Library, effective June 4th, 2012, said salary to be $35,000.00 annually, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appointment is made in full compliance with New York State Civil Service Law, New York State Education Law and Wyoming County Civil Service Rules.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: 1, M. Zeches Motion carried
As the board would like to have the Director work at least one Saturday per month and to rotate her evening hours so that she becomes familiar with all employees and patrons it was suggested that she present her schedule each month for review.
A suggestion was made that once the new director was settled in it might be a nice idea to have a "meet and greet" at the library to give the public and the new director an opportunity to get acquainted. Maybe in the early fall.
Dan Moran had sent an e-mail with a quote for the back door. The quote stated an aluminum door. It was questioned as to whether that door should be steel. Suzanne Aldinger and Joanne Caldwell will make some inquires as to what is the most secure. A motion was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Mary Reagan that they were authorized to approve option one of the estimate if they were satisfied with the information obtained by the query.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion Carried
Loaning of the Kindle has been delayed due to trying to decide how best to carry out the loan process. It was decided to purchase a American Express card and set up an account through the library, which the borrower would use to download to the Kindle. A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to allow Joanne Caldwell to purchase a card to be used only in conjunction with the Kindle.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion carried.
T & D Plumbing has fixed the ceiling tiles and the leak. (See directors report)
The Diane Sundt Memorial Table and Chairs are in place. These were hand made using memorial donations in Memory of Diane Sundt.
Reviewed Child Services Report, which is included in the packet. Motion was made by Mary Reagan to approve the report and 2nd. by Susannah Heubusch'
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion carried.
Audited and approved payment of vouchers #69 through #89 in the amount of $10,558.60.
Motion by: Susannah Heubusch 2nd: Janice Kelsey
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: Margaret Zeches Motion carried
Motion to adjourn was made by David Almeter and 2nd by Mary Reagan. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch, Secretary

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Monday 04/23/2012

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, April 23, 2012
Meeting was called to order by president Suzanne Aldinger at 7:00 pm.
Present were: David Almeter, Suzanne Aldinger, Mary Reagan, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches, and Susannah Heubusch
David Almeter made a motion that we go into executive session to discuss the merits of each of the candidates applying for Library Director. Motion was seconded by Mary Reagan.
Ayes: 6 Noes:
At 8:00 pm a motion was made by Mary Reagan to leave executive session and was seconded by Janice Kelsey.
Ayes: 6 Noes:
No action was taken.
A consensus by the full board was to make an employment offer to the first choice candidate.  Health Insurance: Offer $5000.00 to go toward whatever insurance he/she wants or through the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce.
Salary: $35,000 annually
Suzanne Aldinger will initiate the reference checks, contact Wyoming County Civil Service and Pioneer Library System for advice on written employment offer and procedures required by Civil Service for Training and Experience Exam.
Have Joanne look up Angela's contract to give us an idea of what should be included in the new contract.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch