Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 8, 2011

Present: Angela Gonzalez, Carolyn Lyons, Suzenne Miller, Mary Reagan, Sue Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Janice Kelsey
Absent: Douglas Ingles (Town Board Representative)
Public Attending: Robert Heubush, Rebecca Ryan
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. Reading of the minutes from February 8, 2011 meeting waived (motion:SA/2nd:MZ; approved)
OLD BUSINESS: (1) New Charter: {A} Re: # of trustees, will keep 6 trustees, no action needed; {B} Board Members newly defined terms based on original election will be as follows: Term ending after Dec 2011 meeting: Carolyn Lyons & Suzenne Miller
Term ending after Dec 2012 meeting: Mary Reagan & Janice Kelsey
Term ending after Dec 2013 meeting: Sue Aldinger & Margaret Zeches
{C} Motion to enact the new charter (motion: MZ/2nd:SA; approved)
{D} All Trustees will need to sign a new oath of office at the County Clerks Office, or at the Warsaw Town Office.

(2)Outdoor lighting: will seek an estimate/quote re: new sidewalk lighting on the walkway to the back door & book drop (Carolyn to address)
(3)Painting back entranceway: on hold until vestibule drainage issues can be assessed & repaired.
(4)Front Desk: need to check back with John DeGroot re: design & estimate.
(5)Warsaw Police Dept: Carolyn spoke with Chief Blythe re: sex offender publications. They are able to distribute Level III Sex Offender information, and will provide this information to WPL when the information is also provided to schools, etc.; Officers will stop in the library as able to be a social presence in the library.
NEW BUSINESS: (1) New Officers: After discussion, motion from the floor for new officers to be: Chairperson: Mary Reagan; Vice Chairperson: Suzenne Miller;
Secretary: Carolyn Lyons (vote: slate of officers approved)
(2)Angela’s Evaluation: Personnel Committee with address her evaluation. Board members with concerns/comments to share should contact a committee member
(3)Vestibule drainage: need to address issues needing repair (Carolyn to see contractor for estimate)
Vouchers: #50-67 reviewed; vouchers signed (motion: SM/2nd:CL; approved)

Letter presented (copy on file) to the Board by Rebecca Ryan regarding concerns brought to the Warsaw Town board by a resident. All concerns previously addressed with this resident, and trustees explained the status of each issue. Letter will be drafted to further address the concerns for the Warsaw Town Board. Supervisor Ryan also requested that the Library board have a representative present at Town Board Meetings (2nd Monday of each month at 7:00pm) to present library status reports. Next meeting is Monday, March 14th. Margaret Zeches will represent WPL Board of Trustees at this meeting.

Motion to adjourn at 8:05pm (motion:SM/2nd:MZ; approved)
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Reagan