Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 14, 2010
Present: Angela Gonzalez, Carolyn Lyons, Suzenne Miller, Mary Reagan, Sue Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Douglas Ingles (Town Board Representative), Janice Kelsey
Meeting called to order at 6:57pm. Reading of the minutes from the November 9, 2010 meeting waived (motion:MZ/2nd:SA/approved)
Old Business: (1) Computer & Internet Use Policy: amended policy as updated effective today (motion:MR/2nd:SM/approved); (2) Video Surveillance Policy: effective today as written (motion:MZ/2nd:JK/approved); (3) RE: Video Surveillance installation. Contract for work to be done at $6,900.00 plus some equipment that they will provide instead of library purchasing it separately; anticipate work to begin soon; weather has delayed other projects, which is delaying work on our project. (4) Safety Policy/Rules of Conduct: Policy will be on website, a pamphlet of Rules of Conduct will be given to new card holders. Following discussion will re-insert in section re: Banning: item #6, will add: ”copy to be sent to Warsaw Village Police”. Motion enacting policy with amendment to #6 as noted above. (motion:SA/2nd:MZ/approved); (5) Children’s Library Use Policy: enact policy as written. (motion:MR/2nd:SM/approved); (6) PennySaver Advertisement/Letter: Discussed revision to include actions taken (ex: video surveillance cameras, new interior locking doors). Decision to have a full page ad in the Warsaw PennySaver, and to also have letter printed in the Country Courier. (motion:MZ/2nd:CL/approved); (7) Outdoor lighting. Estimate from Valley Electric for 6 different installations for a total of $14,960.00; fixtures have been ordered for illuminating the new sign ($695.00) and a new fixture over the back door ($215.00). Will wait on other lighting work at this time. May pursue additional estimates. (8) Consolidating small CD’s. The five perpetual account CD’s will be consolidated as possible. Two CD’s were combined in November 2010 with a total value at that time of $4,577.00. In the spring three more small CD’s will be consolidated for a total amount of approximately $6,200.00. (9) Building of a back door closet and painting have been put on hold.
New Business: (1) Letter from attorney(Robert T. Schofield) specializing in library law (Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna) distributed. Safety Committee spoke with attorney via phone conference call. (2) NY State Lobby Day/bus trip to Albany is March 1st; attendance encouraged. (3) EPIC Training sessions (First Aid & Surfing Safety) will be held Dec. 28th. (4) Parents Guide to Children in the Library information presented. Pamphlet will be created form this information.
Reviewed vouchers #215-239; includes 2 new computers; vouchers signed. (motion:JK/2nd:MR/approved)
Next Meeting: February 8, 2011 at 7:00pm.
Adjournment at 7:50pm (motion:MR/2nd:MZ/approved)
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Reagan