Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 9, 2010
Present: Angela Gonzalez, Carolyn Lyons, Suzenne Miller, Mary Reagan, Sue Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Douglas Ingles (Town Board Representative)   Absent: Janice Kelsey
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.
Began with Public Comments (one request to speak):
  1. Jennifer Byroads: spoke of her concerns regarding the recent arrest of a library patron and her safety concerns for other library patrons, especially minors.
Minutes from October 12, 2010 meeting; motion to accept minutes as written (motion SA/2nd SM); approved.
 New Business: 
  1. Proposed Action Plan (Goal: To protect the safety of all patrons and staff at Warsaw Public Library)  Some implemented and several planned actions were discussed.  A “Safety Committee” will be formed, and will further address consideration of, and implementing changes, including the notification of the public of these actions.  
  2. Motion MZ/2nd SM to add #9 to Computer & Internet Use Policy (regarding patrons not moving computer monitors); approved.
  3. Consolidating small CD’s: Angela will be contacting Five Star Bank to inquire about several small CD’s that belong to the library to determine if the accounts would be appropriate to consolidate.  Will report back with findings at a future meeting.
  4. Safety Committee will include: C. Lyons, M. Reagan, S. Aldinger, & M. Zeches. 
  5. Personnel Committee will meet after initial Safety Committee changes are addressed.  Personnel Committee will include: C. Lyons, M. Reagan, S. Aldinger.
  6. Carolyn Lyons was awarded the HANSON AWARD at the PLS (Pioneer Library System) Annual Meeting on October 13th in recognition of her 30 years of support to libraries in Wyoming County.  Congratulations Carolyn.

Old Business:  
  1. Outdoor lighting:  Keith Standera has ordered a new light for the back entry door area, and a light to illuminate the front sign.  Installation is anticipated ASAP.
  2. Construction of a closet by the back door to store the brooms, shovels, etc will be arranged by Carolyn.
Reviewed vouchers #196-214 (motion MR/2nd SM); approved; vouchers signed.
Discussed installation of a camera security system, as part of the Proposed Safety Plan.  Anticipate quote from Casco for camera security system by Friday, November 12th.  
Motion:  Approve installation of camera security system by Casco, for a quote not to exceed $11,000.00. (motion: MZ/ 2nd SA) unanimous approval.  
Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Next Meeting scheduled for: December 14th, 2010 at 7:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Reagan

Safety Policy Committee meetings scheduled  11/18/10 3:30 and 12/2/10 3:30