Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Board of Trustees Open Meeting 10/13/2015

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Tuesday, October 13, 2015 meeting of the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Suzanne Aldinger.  Present were trustees: Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Janice Kelsey, Lynda Wick, Susannah Heubusch, Library Director: Lisa Gricius and Warsaw Town Board Liaison: Shani Jones.

Margaret Zeches made a motion, seconded by Lynda Wick to waive the reading of the September 8, 2015 minutes.
                Ayes:  5                Noes:  0                Motion carried

Susannah Heubusch made a motion to accept the audited vouchers #176- #194 for $4584.20 and was seconded by Janice Kelsey.
                Ayes:  5                Noes:  0                Motion carried

Director's and Children’s Services Report (see attached)
                The Library Director has applied for an Arts Council Grant.
                As people are not attending the summer music programs there will only be one music program                                   in 2016.

Old Business:
                1) Bandwidth upgrade - with the demands upon the internet from the staff as well as the patrons the present bandwidth is not handling the load.  Time Warner is offering an update for $99.95 per month.   Susannah Heubusch made a motion that we upgrade the internet and was seconded by Lynda Wick.
                Ayes:  5                Noes:  0                Motion Carried

                2)  Americote has presented a proposal for the painting of the Library interior for $6000.00.  Susannah Heubusch made a motion that we accept the proposal and was seconded by Janice Kelsey.
                Ayes: 4                 Abstain:  1 (Margaret Zeches)    Noes:  0                Motion carried

New Business:
                1)  A member of the Board of Trustees should be appointed as liaison to the Friends of the Warsaw Public Library Board.  Margaret Zeches volunteered to act as liaison with any questions to go through her.
                2)  A campaign flyer had been brought to the Library and asked that it be posted.   It was decided that NO campaign materials can be displayed at the Library.
                3)  It was decided to keep the snow removal contract the same as last year.
                4)  Discussion of spring contract was postponed until after the first of the year.
                5)  A request was made to the Conable Foundation to underwrite the remaining $2500.00 to complete the painting project in the loft area.  No reply as yet
                6)  A committee was appointed to evaluate the Library Director.  The committee will consist of Janice Kelsey, Lynda Wick and Margaret Zeches

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be on November 10, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Board of Trustees Open Meeting Agenda 10/13/2015

Warsaw Public Library
130 N. Main St. Warsaw, NY 14569
Board of Trustees Open Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Open Meeting
Waive reading of minutes from Tuesday, September 8, 2015 motion to approve.
Ayes:               Noes:               Absent:                                                             
Defeated:                                Approved:
Old Business
1.      Audit and Approve abstract of audited vouchers # 176-
Total Amount: $
 Directors Report & Children’s Services Report (Enclosed in Packet)
 Old Business
1.      Bandwidth upgrade
2.      Americote Proposal
New Business
1.      Appoint a member of the Warsaw Public Library Board as the liaison to the Friends of the Warsaw Public Library Board.