Friday, August 22, 2014

Minutes of the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Special Meeting 8/18/2014

                                                         Warsaw Public Library
                                                             Board of Trustees
                                                        Monday August 18, 2014
Attending:  Lisa Gricius- director, Trustees: Suzanne Aldinger, David Almeter, Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches  Also in attendance  Shani Jones, Town Liaison
Absent: Susannah Heubusch

President Aldinger called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM
David Almeter presented his findings from the town board meeting of Wednesday, August 12, 2014. The budget that was presented to the board was with a 12% increase.
We discussed several options from increasing revenue for the 2015 year.
We discussed the option of charging out of town patrons a yearly fee for their library card.  It is felt that the total amount of revenue would not off-set the time to track the cards or promote the use of the library.
We did feel that the fine per day could be increased to twenty-five cents a day.
We will look at this option at our next meeting. Lisa will consult with other libraries
In the OWWL system.
We also are going to ask the village for monies to help with the upkeep of the library.
We will also ask for maintence of the yard and sidewalk around the library from Court Street to Main Street. It was noted that the villages of Arcade and Attica provide $10,000 and $650 respectively to their town libraries.
Discussion followed on approaching the windmill company to ask for monies.
The names supplied by town attorney were Mary Kehl, or Aaron Miller, Developer.
David Almeter will pursue this as he is versed in windmills.
The board decided to present the budget that reflected a 12% increase to the town
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 PM
Respectively Submitted,
Margaret Zeches

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Board of Trustees Special Meeting Agenda 8/18/2014

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Special Meeting 
 8/18/2014 at 7:00 PM

Old Business: 2015 Budget Planning

Board of Trustees Open Meeting Minutes 7/8/2014

Warsaw Public Library
Library Board of Trustees
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Tuesday, July 8, 2014 meeting of the Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 pm by president Suzanne  Aldinger.   Present were trustees:  Suzanne Aldinger, Margaret Zeches, Janice Kelsey, David Almeter, Susannah Heubusch, Library Director:  Lisa Gricius, and Town of Warsaw liaison: Shani Jones.

The June 10, 2014 minutes were read.  Margaret Zeches made a motion to accept the minutes as read and was seconded by David Almeter.
Ayes:  5 Noes: Motion carried

Old Business:
It was brought to the board’s attention that some of the Library vouchers have been misplaced somewhere between the Town of Warsaw offices and Tom Baldwin’s offices.  At this time they have not been found.  Copies will be made of all vouchers from now on.

David Almeter made a motion 2nd by Janice Kelsey to approve the audited vouchers #128 - #147 for $3986.96.
Ayes:   5 Noes: Motion carried

There was a discussion on the 2015 proposed budget.  As we are asking for quite an increase in the budget, it was decided that Library Director Lisa Gricius ask to be put on the agenda for the Wednesday,  July 9, 2014 Town Board Meeting to explain to the Town Board why we are asking for such a large increase.

Directors & Children Services Report (see attached)

New Business:
David Almeter met with the Friends of the Library.  The Friends would like to participate in the "Wine in the Valley" in September using the Library as a pour site.  The Board agreed they could use the library if they met some conditions:
1)   They would do all the work
2)   That there would be 1 person to pour,
                     2 people at the doors (one in front, one in back)
                     2 to 3 people to circulate to make sure people are kept in the pour area and not    
                     roaming around the library unsupervised.
3)   Downstairs areas will be roped off.

David Almeter made a motion that the Friends be allowed to use the Library for the Wine in Valley provided they agree with conditions as described above.  Motion seconded by Margaret Zeches.
Ayes:  5 Noes: Motion carried
A quilt has been donated to the Library to be raffled and the proceeds to go to the Library.  It was suggested that maybe the friends would be willing to display the quilt during the summer concert series and sell tickets.

The Cleaning/Maintenance/Lawn/Snow contract will be up for renewal in November.  At this time the Board feels that the contract with the present provider will not be renewed.  Options and costs are being reviewed.

Janice Kelsey made a motion that the meeting be adjourned

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Submitted by Susannah Heubusch