Thursday, February 16, 2012

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 02/13/2012

Warsaw Public Library The Meeting was called to Order by Pres. Mary Reagan at 7:02pm
Present: Mary Reagan, Pres., Janice Kelsey, Margaret Zeches, Sue Heubusch, Dave Almeter, Suzanne Aldinger
Absent: Tracey Hockey, Town of Warsaw representative (conflict with Town Meeting)
Waived reading of the Minutes from the 12/13/2011 meeting with the following correction: Margaret Zeches was present at the meeting.
Approved. Waived reading of Minutes from meeting 1/23/2012 with no corrections.
Approved. 1) Joanne Caldwell, Acting Library Director Report
(A) update on day to day running of the library.
(B) Staffing is working out well. Mary Conable, Children’s Services Director, has returned to work and will resume her Children’s Story Hour on Tues., February 14, 2012.
(C) Attachments include: Budget Report, deposits, vouchers. Joanne requested permission to pre-pay utility bills to avoid late charges.
Motion by: Dave Almeter 2
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 Approved
nd: Margaret Zeches to approve pre-payment of utilities. (D) The Library received a notice from Five Star Bank that Certificate of Deposit 224143007 is due to mature on 2/16/2012 and there is a savings account which is non-interest bearing (was CD but was not rolled over on maturity date). Motion by: Sue Heubusch 2
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 Approved
At 7:45pm a motion was made by Dave Almeter and 2
At 8:02pm a motion was made to exit Executive Session by Margaret Zeches 2
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 NO ACTION TAKEN
nd: Janice Kelsey combine these two (2) accounts into one (1) CD. nd by Margaret Zeches to enter into Executive Session to discuss matters leading to the employment/hiring of a Library Director I. Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Absent: 0 nd by: Sue Heubusch 4) Health Insurance options update (Sue H.) Sue Heubusch checked with several agencies Town, County, insurance, Chamber of Commerce (does not have a program), for health insurance costs for single and family coverage. The costs are excessive but we will continue to research Library groups or associations.
5) The Board also briefly discussed the proposed financial/banking MOU with the Town of Warsaw which will remain tabled until after we have a response from the Town Board and put a new Library Director in place.
6) Discussion continues on the replacement of the back door (Robb’s Glass quote was $5,710.) Other vendors are being sought. Also, the renovations of the front desk and minor cosmetic issues will continue.
Ballot voting was implemented.
President: Suzanne Aldinger Suzanne Aldinger - Nomination by David Almeter 2
Mary Reagan – Nomination by Janice Kelsey no second
Ballot vote : yes- 4 no- 2
1) Election of new officers- The President called for nominations from the floor for the following: nd by: Margaret Zeches Vice President: Janice Kelsey Janice Kelsey – Nomination by Suzanne Aldinger 2
Ballot vote: yes-5 no- 1
nd by: Susannah Heubusch Secretary: Susannah Heubusch Mary Reagan – Nomination by Sue Heubusch 2
Mary Reagan declined the nomination.
Susannah Heubusch – Nomination by Margaret Zeches 2
Ballot vote: yes – 5 abstain: 1
2) 2011 annual report to PLS. Reviewed by Board. Report will be published for public view. 3) WPL General Policy: copies were handed out for review and any changes will be discussed at our next meeting.
nd by Janice Kelsey nd by: Dave Almeter ANNOUNCEMENTS
The next regular meeting will be on Tues., March 13, 2012 at 7:00pm
Library Advocacy Day Tuesday, March 6, 2012: attendance encouraged by PLS for this bus trip. If members did not receive the brochure contact the library. Approval to pay VOUCHERS # 19___ through # 34__ Total payment of vouchers approved: $5,578.34 Motion by: Dave Almeter 2
Adjournment at 8:58pm
Motion by: Margaret Zeches 2
Minutes were prepared by: Suzanne Aldinger, Trustee
nd: Margaret Zeches Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Approved nd by: Susannah Heubusch Ayes: 6 Noes: 0

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Monday, February 13, 2012
7:00 pm