Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The meeting was called to
order at 7:15 pm by president Suzanne Aldinger.
Present were trustees: Suzanne
Aldinger, Mary Reagan, Margaret Zeches, David Almeter, Susannah Heubusch and Library
Director Lisa Gricius. Trustee: Janice Kelsey arrived later.
Margaret Zeches made a
motion to waive reading of the minutes from Tuesday, October 9, 2012. Motion 2nd by Mary Reagan.
Ayes: 5 Noes: 0 Absent: 1 Approved
1. Margaret Zeches made a motion 2nd by David
Almeter to accept the amendments to the Personnel Policy as
Ayes: 5 Noes: 0 Absent: 1 Approved
Library Director Lisa
Gricius will present a draft of an evaluation sheet for the board to consider at the next meeting.
2. We are still awaiting a reply from Mr.
Standera for an estimate for overhead light grids. As Mr. Standera has not replied in a timely
manner there was discussion on having someone else do the electrical work at the
3. Maintenance and Cleaning contract is still on
hold as we have yet to hear from the Town as to the reason the original
contract was with the Town of Warsaw and
if there is further information in the Town Board minutes to approve such contract.
4. The Long Range Plan is on hold until after
the 1st of the year.
5. A motion was made by Susannah Heubusch and
2nd by David Almeter to approve payment of vouchers #159 - #173 for the amount
of $5080.03.
Ayes: 6 Noes: O Approved
The Childrens and
Directors Report were presented (see
1. The
Town of Warsaw held a Public Hearing on the 2013 Town Budget, Thursday, October
25, 2012 and voted to approve same. The
amount of property tax levy to be collected for the library in 2013 is
$130,610.17 an increase of 1% over 2012.
We submitted a request of $133,457.
2. A list of surplus items was presented to the
Board. David Almeter made a motion 2nd
by Susannah Heubusch that we accept the list of surplus items to be disposed
Ayes: 6 Noes: 0 Approved
It was suggested that as the Town was going to be
auctioning off surplus items maybe they would let us include our surplus as
well. Susannah Heubusch will approach
the Town Board with a request that our surplus be auctioned at the same time as
the Towns.
An old Kodak Carousel with slides was found. Susannah Heubusch will view the slides to see
if they should be kept or discarded.
3. Library Director, Lisa Gricius confirmed that insurance on the Library is
covered under the Town of Warsaw policy.
Lisa will call Harts Insurance to request a copy of said policy for the
Library files.
4. A draft of
Fixed Asset Policy was presented to the board for review and members should
bring any suggestions they may have to the December meeting.
5. The $5000.00 from the Bullet Aid Technology Grant has
been received.
Lisa has talked with Cathy Contant about purchase and
setup of new computers. She would be
contracted to assist in configuration, purchase through NYS Aggregate Purchase
program, and set up of programs applicable to PLS programs. We asked that she call Ms. Contant and get a
high estimate (include everything we would like) and a low estimate (just the
essentials). We would also like to know
if there are any date restrictions for spending these funds or other rules of
the grant that must be observed.
6. There was discussion on the new circulation desk. Lisa presented the board with two different
estimates and configurations. Some
members of the board still felt the estimates too high while others felt that
if we were to get the quality and configuration we wanted we might have to
spend the extra money. A couple of other
avenues are going to be looked into after which, hopefully, a decision can be
7. Ed Turner had made a request for the use of the
Library for a meeting of the Republican Committee on December 5. As the Warsaw Library Meeting Room Use rules
are in line with the ALA Library Bill of Rights and that equal use is extended
with other political groups and is open to the public, it was agreed they could
hold the meeting at the Library. All
other rules of meeting use policy are to be observed.
A motion was made by Mary
Reagan and 2nd by Janice Kelsey to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05
Submitted by Susannah