Monday, March 19, 2012

Warsaw Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Warsaw Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday March 13, 2012
Meeting was called to order by President Suzanne Aldinger at 7:05 pm.
Present: Suzanne Aldinger, Mary Reagan, David Almeter, Margaret Zeches, Susannah Heubusch, Janice Kelsey, Joanne Caldwell (acting librarian) and Tracy Hockey (Town of Warsaw representative). Guest, Julie Gruendike.
A motion was made to waive the reading of February 13, 2012 meeting minutes and accept them as recorded. Motion by: Margaret Zeches 2nd: David Almeter
Guest, Julie Gruendike, WPL Outreach volunteer, gave an update and explanation on the Outreach Program. A question was raised about including a "Homebound Service". It was agreed it would be a good addition to the Outreach program providing enough volunteers to man the additional service could be found. Suggestions about High School and Youth Groups were made. The idea will be looked into further.
1) Joanne Caldwell, acting Library Director, handed out copies of Interim Director's Report - see attached.
2) As utilities are now prepaid and there will no longer be late fees it was decided to leave the accounting with Tom Baldwin unless otherwise directed to change. (tabled at the February 13,2012 meeting until after the new Director is appointed)
3) SNF book distribution had been discontinued because there was no one person in charge and too many books were being lost. It was suggested we contact Martin McKenzie, Nursing Facility Administrator, to see if the activities department would be responsible for keeping track of the books. If so the books would again be available to the residents.
4) We still have only one estimate for the back door. It was suggested that we contact Jason Andrews for a second estimate. Robb's estimate is $5710.00
5) E. Reader Policy is still not in place. Mary Conable had been working on it before she became ill. At this point we have 1 Kindle. Ideas were discussed as the best way to handle the lending of the readers. One idea was to require a deposit. It was also suggested that we might want to offer a workshop for I-Pods and E. Readers. Policy will be reviewed by Joanne and Mary.
6) Health Insurance - Both Livingston and Wyoming County Chambers offer insurance. As the prices for both counties is about the same it was decided to stay within Wyoming County. Sue Heubusch will check further as to what steps need to be taken.
Motion by David Almeter, 2nd Sue Heubusch to go into executive session to discuss hiring of Library Director. Went into Executive session at 8:05 pm. Out of executive session at 8:35. Not action was taken. Ayes: 6 Noes:
Trustees are to look over the Personal Policy and make any suggestions. Policy should be in place for Director interviews.
The submitted resumes for Library Director are to be reviewed by members between now and the next meeting so that interview dates may be set up for the top candidates.
Motion made to approve payment of vouchers #35 thru #51 for $4989.26.
Ayes: 6 Noes:
Due to Spring break a motion was made by Janice Kelsey and 2nd by Sue Heubusch that the next meeting be moved up a week to April 3, 2012.
Ayes: 5 Noes: Absent: 1
Motion to adjourn made by David Almeter, 2nd Margaret Zeches
Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm
Submitted by Susannah Heubusch recording secretary