Monday, November 21, 2011

Warsaw Public Library
November 15, 2011

Present: Chairperson Mary Reagan, Janice Kelsey, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Aldinger, Carolyn Lyons, Director Angela Gonzalez.  Guests: David Almeter, Susannah Heubusch, newly elected trustees; John Strzelski and Norm Gaylord.

Meeting called to order.   Chairperson Reagan read the by-laws reminding visitors they could not speak unless prearrangement was made.
 Corrections to be made to October minutes are as follows: Absent, Margaret Zeches.  Abstention by Suzenne Miller on the vote to reconvene the school district library committee.  Motion to accept corrected minutes by Margaret, second by Suzanne, passed.

Old Business
  •  Vestibule is being painted.
  • Front Desk; KP Construction bid distributed.  Quote is $16,575.00.  Angela has invited him to the December meeting.  Discussion in which room the desk should be placed, possibility of the north room.  Suzenne will do some drawings for this idea.
  • Robb’s glass has not sent a quote for the back door.
  • Auditor details.  A meeting will be arranged with the Town to discuss this action.  Document title changed to Proposed Memorandum of Understanding. Definition of purpose will be added, creation of a dedicated library account.
  • By-laws will be tabled until the auditor section can be included.
  • E-readers- Mary Conable is working on this policy.  This will be discussed in the future when the policy is fully developed by the staff.
  • Long Range Planning.  Angela handed out the document complied by the facilitator.  Please review this before the December meeting.

New Business
  • Director’s and Children’s Services report attached.
  • Angela will be adding a rotating book cart at the apartment buildings at the end of Linwood Ave.
  • Vouchers #206-225.  The vouchers were reviewed and signed the previous week because of the meeting date change.  Motion to accept by Margaret, second by Janice to approve vouchers, passed.
  • Excellent turn out for beginning computer classes.  They are being held on Thursday @ 6:30.

Motion to adjourn by Margaret, second by Suzenne, passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Lyons